Zack Snyder Says He’s Only Shot 4 Minutes Of New Footage For His Justice League Cut

Zack Snyder has revealed that out of all the additional photography he’s done for his Justice League cut, it’ll only amount to four minutes of footage. This was revealed during an interview with Beyond The Trailer’s Grace Randolph.

Zack Snyder was chatting to Beyond The Trailer’s Grace Randolph, and during that interview, he revealed quite a bit about his upcoming Justice League cut which is coming to HBO Max in 2021. One of the really interesting things he revealed was that he’s only shot four-minutes worth of new footage for the movie.

This sounds like a very small amount of new footage given the fact that he brought back the likes of Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher and he even brought in Jared Leto and Joe Manganiello. However, it was probably more for making sure that the movie will make sense when it’s all put together.

Zack Snyder reveals he’s only shot 4 minutes of new footage for his cut of Justice League

Zack Snyder Interview - New Look for Joker, Snyder Cut 2021 New Scenes

Read more: Zack Snyder Teases The Beginning Of HBO Max’s Justice League Shoot

Here’s what Zack Snyder told Grace Randolph about the upcoming Justice League movie and the new footage which will be added to the movie:

I think it’s valid, on one hand though, I will say that in the end, it’s going to probably be about four minutes or five minutes of additional photography for the entire movie. In the four hours that is Justice League, maybe four minutes.

What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to seeing Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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