Zack Snyder Confirms Granny Goodness Is In His Justice League


Zack Snyder has confirmed that Granny Goodness is going to be in his cut of Justice League which is coming to HBO Max pretty soon. This comes after one of the Justice League teasers seemed to show the DC Comics villain.

Zack Snyder then took to Vero to confirm that the character in the shot was indeed Granny Goodness. Don’t be fooled by the character’s name. Granny Goodness is not very good. She’s actually pretty horrible and is one of Darkseid’s right-hand women.

She’s often linked to Mister Miracle and she brought him up and tortured the poor guy throughout his whole childhood. It’s pretty dark and she’s a really despicable character, and I’m very excited to see how she factors into the four-hour-long Justice League movie that’s coming out on March 18th.

Zack Snyder confirms that was Granny Goodness in the Justice League teaser trailer

Read more: Zack Snyder Confirms He’s Working On A New Justice League Trailer

A fan took to Vero to ask Zack Snyder whether it was Granny Goodness in the Justice League teaser trailer. “Is this Granny Goodness?!?” they asked. To which, Snyder replied: “It is”.

OK, so what does this mean. Well, it means that we’re going to be seeing a whole lot more of Darkseid in this movie and see what he’s getting up to on Akropolis and on Earth. It’s going to be a very different movie from the one we got back in 2017.

What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to seeing Zack Snyder’s Justice League when it’s released on HBO Max? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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