X-Men Was Trending On Twitter – Here’s Why


X-Men was trending on Twitter recently and there were a few people asking why this was happening, so we wanted to clear things up for people.

Was X-Men trending because Kevin Feige had revealed that they were making a new movie in the MCU?

Was there an X-Men reference in Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings?

Well, turns out that X-Men was trending on Twitter because there was a debate of whether the Fox X-Men movies were responsible for the MCU’s success.

That was the big debate fans were having online and it was a pretty interesting one.

Many fans were arguing that the X-Men and Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies were partially responsible for the MCU’s incredible success.

Basically, without the X-Men and Raimi Spider-Man films the MCU wouldn’t be what it is today.

You know what, I completely agree with this take, but there were some fans online that didn’t agree.

Would the MCU be where it is today without the X-Men and Spider-Man movies




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It ended up becoming a pretty heated debate online, which was interesting.

As I said above, I personally think that the MCU owes a lot to the X-Men and Spider-Man films.

One of the main things is that the X-Men movies gave Kevin Feige his experience.

He was a producer on the X-Men movies and then went and created the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So, in that respect, yes, the X-Men movies basically made the MCU what it is today.

What do you make of this news?

Do you think that the MCU would be where it is today without the X-Men and Spider-Man movies?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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