Tommy Wiseau Wants A Role In The Star Wars Universe

The genius that is Tommy Wiseau is calling to be cast in the Star Wars universe, which I think Lucasfilm should go ahead and do!

Wiseau would be absolutely perfect for the Star Wars universe – I mean, wouldn’t he make a great Sith?

Tommy Wiseau is most famous for having starred, written and directed one of the ‘worst’ movies of all time, The Room.

I genuinely love The Room and I think I watch it at least once every few years.

There was a movie that was made about the making of The Room called The Disaster Artist which was directed by and starred James Franco.

I actually really liked The Disaster Artist and I’m not sure if we can say that we enjoyed a James Franco movie anymore…

Star Wars is tearing Tommy Wiseau apart!

Tommy Wiseau The Room Scary Love

Credit: TPW Films

Read more: The Room’s Tommy Wiseau Wants To Direct Spider-Man 4

Anyway, back to what Tommy Wiseau had to say about wanting to be in the Star Wars universe:

The Star Wars Twitter account is kind of brilliant.

I have to take my proverbial hat off to whoever runs the account.

This whole interaction between Mark Hamill, the Star Wars account and Tommy Wiseau is the perfect example of this.

Mark Hamill tweeted: “miss me”, to which Star Wars’ account replied: “Oh hi, Mark.”

The line is a direct reference to The Room. I mean, the Star Wars Twitter account referenced The Room! Isn’t that just brilliant!

All of this then got Tommy involved, who wrote:

YOU’RE TEARING ME APART Star Wars ! Put me in your Universe !

We agree! We think Lucasfilm has to find a role for Wiseau!

What do you make of this news?

Would you like to see Tommy Wiseau in a Star Wars movie or TV show?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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