The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been graced by many iterations of the legendary superhero, Spider-Man. From Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield and most recently, Tom Holland, the “friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man” has captured audiences worldwide with different portrayals and storylines. However, it may come as a surprise to some that Tom Holland himself believes Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse to be the best Spider-Man film to date.
He revealed this during a recent interview with Deadline. So, let’s unpack what the British actor had to say on the matter.
Holland’s Praise for the Animated Spider-Man Film
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Tom Holland, known for his role as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the MCU, recently expressed his admiration for the animated film Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse during an interview. While he has portrayed the web-slinger in a number of successful films, Holland described Into The Spider-Verse as his favourite Spider-Man film, setting aside his own appearances in the iconic red and blue suit.
Holland’s endorsement of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse speaks to the film’s unique representation of the Spider-Verse and its innovative animation style, which impressed both critics and audiences alike. The film presents an alternative narrative to the typical Peter Parker storyline, introducing the character of Miles Morales as the new Spider-Man. This shift in focus and the film’s fresh approach to storytelling seem to have struck a chord with Holland.
The Rising Popularity of the Spider-Verse
The introduction of the Spider-Verse in Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse in 2018 marked a turning point in the Spider-Man franchise. The film, produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, saw Shameik Moore voicing the character of Miles Morales/Spider-Man, with various other ‘Spider-People’ from different dimensions also making appearances. The sequel, Across The Spider-Verse, released on June 2, 2023, saw the return of these characters and introduced new ones to the mix, further expanding the Spider-Verse.
The Spider-Verse’s popularity has grown significantly since its inception, and the recent success of Across The Spider-Verse is testament to this. Moreover, the MCU, under the guidance of President Kevin Feige and with the support of the lucrative Disney-Sony deal, has shown that there is room for more Spider-People, including a possible live-action version of Miles Morales.
The Future of Spider-Man
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While there’s no official word from Marvel Studios, speculation about the live-action Miles Morales has already begun, with Afro-Latino actor Miles Brown being touted as a potential candidate for the role. This potential casting choice has drawn mixed reactions from fans, with some expressing concerns about the actor’s heritage, as the character of Miles Morales is traditionally portrayed as Puerto Rican.
Regardless, the future of Spider-Man appears promising, with the MCU continuing to expand its universe and push boundaries. The Spider-Verse, in particular, seems poised for further development, whether through additional animated films or the introduction of a live-action Miles Morales.
With Tom Holland’s endorsement, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and its successors have been thrust further into the spotlight. As the Spider-Verse continues to evolve and captivate audiences, it will be interesting to see how the MCU integrates these alternate Spider-People into its expansive universe.
In the meantime, fans can enjoy Holland’s praise for Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, perhaps prompting some to revisit the film with a newfound appreciation for its groundbreaking portrayal of the Spider-Verse.
What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to watching Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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