With as much aplomb as a sexy British man would have in America, the trailer for Lucifer Season 5 Part B dropped on Netflix recently.
After several delays and much-needed work under covid 19 restrictions, a release date – complete with a musical episode – was finally revealed for Netflix.
Based on the very brief trailer, here is what we want to see in the new series of Lucifer.
Be warned, it is very likely that spoilers are past the point.
1. Why has God chosen to reveal himself now?

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One of the themes from earlier Lucifer episodes, back when you had to watch it via Amazon prime in the UK, was how Lucifer felt abandoned and unloved for who he was.
‘Dad’ – God himself – was said to be a terrible father, and Chloe Decker herself criticises the creator of everything and everyone.
At the end of 5A, when there is an all-out celestial blood bath fight for the ages, God himself makes an appearance at long last in the police precinct.
Why now? Answers on a postcard, please.
2. Lucifer needs to view himself as a whole – but God himself needs to be in therapy

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One part of the trailer is Lucifer remarking he feels himself and his father need to go into therapy, so that they may work on their relationship.
Because Lucifer feels that, until this is resolved, he himself cannot have one.
God himself remarks that “I cannot fix you, Lucifer.”
Lucifer needs to be able to view himself as a whole being, someone fully formed.
God cannot fix him – but could at least listen to his son.
God himself could also do with a dash of therapy, too, Dr Linda Martin has her hands full.
3. Punishment of the evil twin in Lucifer Season 5 Part B

Credit: Netflix
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With the debut of the last series, #MichealIsADick trended on Twitter.
Lucifer, as it transpires, has a creepy, American twin called Micheal.
Micheal has the power to bring out the knowledge of fear in people, to expose it – and uses it to causes utter havoc.
Micheal, from the trailer, is looking to rally support in order to hold and to have the position of God.
But, for all the stunts he has pulled, he needs some kind of punishment, at the very least.
4. Things are starting to look a bit musical around here….

Credit: Netflix
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We knew from last year that there would be a musical episode, thanks to an AD that showed a preview for the first time.
At a crime scene, the entire assembled cast begins to sing Queen’s Another One Bites The Dust. Complete with the temporarily revived body found dead at the centre of the crime scene.
The official setlist has finally been announced, with some seriously cool tunes – rock, musicals, and so much more.
As long as this is not too cliched – think Riverdale in terms of reference – this could potentially be an amazing, creative episode.
5. Is there a Baby Devil on the way in Lucifer Season 5 Part B?

Credit : Netflix
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The entirety of the Lucifer franchise relies on a lot of deadpan, ‘Dad joke’ humour.
There are a lot of celestial references and double entendres, as well as more sophisticated quips, too.
Sometimes there are so many plot clues that are planted this way, too.
In one scene Ella praises Lucifer for his use of a Dad Joke – to which he replies to say “Thanks, I’m practising.”
The I’m-going-to-kill-you look from Lauren German in the role of Chloe Decker was utterly priceless, even if it was only displayed for but a second.
Is there a Baby Devil, a new prince of darkness, on the way? Quite possibly.
6. The return of Eve – and a future for Maeve

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Eve was Lucifer’s original girlfriend from the beginning of time, complete with the apple, the snake, the tree, etc.
Eve – played by Inbar Lavi – made an appearance in the fourth season, the first hosted by Netflix.
But we know from social media that she will be back at some point – and Lucifer seems to have a drink with her?
Although, then again, the actress is very hard to identify due to a partially obscured shot.
Eve kind of started a ‘thing’ – or at least attracted the attention – of Maze, Lucifer’s best friend.
Maze is a demon from Hell, and did the bidding of the dark lord when it came to the subject of torture.
Eve was somewhat toxic to Maze, who was prepared to be vulnerable for the first time in her life.
But to see character growth for both – and a cementing of ‘Maeve’ – would be lovely.
7. Azrieal’s blade makes a re-appearance

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This appeared for maybe two seconds as a very brief reference in the trailer – and needs some context to it.
Azrieal is the angel of death, and the blade is made up of different parts.
Lighted by emotion, it is the most powerful weapon in the universe.
God’s wife had come to Earth, as played by Tricia Helfer.
Lucifer cut her her own universe, and the played ostensibly was also destroyed in connection with a separate character death.
It is a really significant, crucial piece of celestial ‘kit’.
Why it has re-appeared right now, though, remains a mystery.
8. “I love you”

Credit: Netflix
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The last episode of 5A centred on how Micheal had exposed Chloe’s fear that Lucifer was just using her – and did not truly love her.
They have a conversation in the evidence room at the police precinct, where she asks him directly if he loves her.
She freezes, as time has stopped completely – leaving this part of the relationship all but unresolved.
The epic celestial fight then breaks out, with God making an appearance for the first time, too.
The end of the new trailer sees a tense standoff conversation with the couple, and the body language looks awkward, strange.
Chloe Decker (Lauren German) asks “why are you doing this” “Because if I ever said those three words to you, it would be a lie.”
Someone sort this out, right now.
Lucifer 5B is on Netflix on the 28th of May.
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