It’s been revealed that the upcoming Pirates Of The Caribbean reboot starring Margot Robbie is at high risk of failure without Johnny Depp. This news comes from The Express Online.
It was revealed a few months back that Disney had cast Margot Robbie in an upcoming Pirates Of The Caribbean reboot. This movie was going to be written by Christina Hodgson who also wrote Birds Of Prey.
At the time, Robbie revealed that this Pirates reboot would have a lot of “girl power”, which sounds great, yet it also sounds like the film will not feature Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in any way, shape, or form, which looks like might be a mistake.
Robbie was asked for a little more information on the movie at the time, and all she said was: “No, it’s too early to talk about it… I love Christina [Hodson], obviously. I’m not a producer on Pirates, so I’ll sit back and kind of wait for the process… We’re really, really excited at the prospect of adding obviously a very key female element to that world.”
The Pirates Of The Caribbean movie could fail without Johnny Depp

Credit: Disney
Read more: Margot Robbie’s Pirates Reboot Will Add “A Lot Of Girl Power” And No Johnny Depp
The fact of the matter is that the big draw of the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise was Johnny Depp, and it’s not really a franchise that can survive without him. It’s now been revealed that new data from has suggested that a “female element” to the movie may not perform as well at the box office as intended.
This does seem to be backed up by the box office performance of some recent film releases. Films such as the 2016 Ghostbusters movie which saw an all-female cast try to stop ghosts from overrunning New York City. That film failed at the box office. The Ocean’s 8 movie, which starred Sandra Bullock and an all-female cast, didn’t do well at the box office either.
This isn’t to say that films with female leads don’t do well at the box office. Look at how well The Hunger Games franchise did. It broke all sorts of records and starred Jennifer Lawrence. No, it’s more to do with the fact that audiences don’t seem to gravitate towards films with all-female casts that are reboots of franchises which were dominated by male characters.
Hollywood needs to start developing new all-female franchises

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
Read more: Johnny Depp Fans Are Furious About The Margot Robbie Pirates Of The Caribbean Reboot
What Hollywood should focus on is developing new franchises with all-female casts as opposed to making all-female versions of older franchises which are already kind of tired. It’s just not working.
What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to the Margot Robbie Pirates Of The Caribbean movie? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Disney needs to accept that Johnny Depp was a big part of the draw of POTC. He is not as dispensable as they think he was going to be.