It’s been revealed that the new villain for the upcoming season of The Flash will have an emotional connection with Barry Allen and that he’s never been name-dropped in The CW show before.
Barry Allen (played by Grant Gustin) will be back alongside his team (minus Nora) and they’ll be facing a brand new threat in the upcoming season.
The Flash season five ended pretty spectacularly and it’ll hard to see how the show’s writers can top what they did, however, they’re going to give it a good go.
Thanks to a recent article in Entertainment Weekly, we now have an idea of who that villain is going to be.
Firstly, they confirmed that the villain will be a man, and they then went on to reveal that he hasn’t been mentioned in the show before.
However, this new villain will be from the comics, which should please all The Flash comic book fans out there.

In the Season Four finale, Team Flash gets help from a surprising ally in their battle against DeVoe.
The Flash’s showrunner, Eric Wallace, then revealed that this will be one of the most personal villains Barry has ever had to face.
“The emotional journey that the big bad is on mirrors the emotional journey that Barry Allen must face going into season 6,” Eric Wallace revealed.
“The big bad this season, if we can do our jobs right, will be the most personal villain the Flash has ever faced emotionally since Eobard Thawne.
“Because this year’s big bad is facing kind of the same circumstances Barry Allen is going through, it’s going to bring them closer together in a darker way than villains that perhaps we’ve seen in the last few seasons.”
Barry’s already had to face some tough challenges with the likes of Reverse-Flash, Cicada and Zoom, but this one might be the hardest one yet.

We’ll have to wait a little bit longer to find out who they’re going to have as season six’s villain, but I’m pretty sure fans will already have a list of people it could be.
Meanwhile, why not have a read of our articles on the five reasons why Tom Holland in the best Spider-Man ever, the five actors who could play The Penguin in the movie, and the five movies you should watch if you still think Robert Pattinson won’t be a good Batman.
You can also have a read of our reviews of Toy Story 4, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Aladdin, Detective Pikachu, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Avengers: Endgame, Hellboy and Glass.
In the meantime, why not catch up on your The Flash knowledge by watching the previous seasons, which you can purchase here!
The Flash season six will air on The CW in the US on October 8th, 2019. Are you looking forward to it?
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