The Flash Producer Seemed To Tease Reverse-Flash As The Film’s Main Villain

The Flash’s producer, Barabara Muschietti, has seemingly teased that Reverse-Flash could be the main villain in The Flash’s upcoming DC Comics movie. She teased this in a recent post on Instagram.

The Flash movie is going to be a pretty insane film. We already know that the film is going to star Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton as their respective versions of Batman. That is so cool, and the movie’s going to do this through the Multiverse.

It’s been rumoured for quite some time that the film’s main villain might be Reverse-Flash, however, Barabara’s socks in the picture below seem to be the biggest hint we’ve had yet.

Reverse-Flash could be the main villain in The Flash movie

Read more: The Flash Movie Could Feature Jessica Chastain Playing A Female Reverse-Flash

In the picture, Barabara and Andy are showing their Flash-theme socks. Andy is wearing red ones and Barabara is wearing yellow ones. The yellow sock is a clear hint at Reverse-Flash.

The socks have The Flash and the Reverse-Flash symbols on them. They’ve very similar, just with different colours. Reverse-Flash’s (aka Eobard Thawne) colours are yellow, red and black. The Flash’s colours are red, white and yellow. I really hope this does mean that Thawne is going to be the film’s main villain. It’s been said that the upcoming movie is inspired by the Flashpoint comic book series. Eobard is comic book’s main villain.

What do you make of this story? Would you like to see Reverse-Flash be the villain of the upcoming The Flash movie? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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