It’s being rumoured that Sony Pictures is considering making a standalone Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie in the future.
This rumour has come from serial scooper Daniel Ritchman via his Patreon page.
According to Ritchman, Sony Pictures is thinking of making a standalone Spider-Man movie.
Moreover, this standalone Spidey film will star Tobey Maguire, not Tom Holland nor Andrew Garfield.
This rumour comes after it was reported that Maguire’s been demanding more time out of the Spidey suit in Spider-Man 3.
The idea is to make this standalone Spider-Man movie starring Tobey Maguire a bit like Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker movie.
Sony Pictures is reportedly considering a standalone Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie

Credit: Sony Pictures
Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Tobey Maguire Has Signed On To Star In A Future Spider-Man Movie
When I say to make this Spider-Man movie like Joker, I don’t mean dark and depressing.
What I mean is that Sony Pictures wants to start making Marvel movies outside of the MCU.
They want to make movies that stand apart from the MCU and that does make sense.
It’ll give Sony Pictures more license to do what they want with the characters.
They’re already doing this to a certain extent with movies like Venom and Morbius.
By being allowed to make a standalone Spider-Man movie starring Tobey Maguire, Sony could explore other areas of the Spider-Verse and really push the boundaries.
What do you make of this rumour?
Would you like to see Tobey Maguire in a standalone Spider-Man movie?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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[…] I’ll allow it: “It’s being rumoured that Sony Pictures is considering making a standalone Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie in the future.” They’ve already done the heavy lifting with INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE to have… well, a Spider-Verse; and most of the objections to doing this schtick probably died when people saw Spider-Noir and Spider-Ham. Certainly I think Sony’s got enough leeway at this point to at least try it. […]
I hope this is true because of 2 reasons:
1: After the failure of Spiderman 3, (which I don’t understand; it’s my favorite out of Sam Rami’s Spiderman trilogy), Sam Rami wanted to make a 4th one to atone for it, but Sony and him couldn’t agree on the plot, so it never happened. If th rumors are true, however, this could make up for what happened back then.
2. Since Marvel seems to want to go from a cinematic universe to a cinematic multiverse, it makes sense to start making different groups of movies set in a different continuities.