Sony’s Strikes Confirm Multiple Spider-Men In No Way Home


Well, it seems as though Sony Pictures themselves might have spoiled one of Spider-Man: No Way Home’s worst kept secrets.

And, before I get into what that secret might be, I would like to give you a SPOILER WARNING right now.


There have been so many outlets and ‘scoopers’ talking about this, but people still are acting as though the thing I’m going to talk about is a huge surprise.

OK, so now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about what Sony’s been doing.

There were a series of supposed set photos leaked from the set of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Spider-Man: No Way Home Theories And Predictions Part 2

These set photos seemed to show Tom Holland on set with both Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire.

Now, a bunch of these were believed to have been fake.

That said, they did look pretty convincing.

However, at least one of them might have proven to be real.

Did Sony just reveal that Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire are in Spider-Man: No Way Home?


Credit: Sony Pictures

Read more: Andrew Garfield And Tobey Maguire Confirmed For Spider-Man: No Way Home By Twitter?

This set photo showed Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire on the set of No Way Home.

Now, the person on Reddit who posted the image revealed that Sony slapped him with a copyright strike.

Here’s what the person had to say:

I posted this post about a week ago which showed the background of the Tobey and Andrew leak from a different angle. The photo has now been removed for copyright issues. This is interesting because this particular photo did not even show Tobey and Andrew, or literally any characters for that matter, but was still taken down even though more spoilery set photos like the one with Peter and Dr. Strange that came out before the trailer did not get taken down. It seems that Sony is cracking down on set photos with any connection to the photo of Tobey and Andrew. I hope you all consider this further evidence that they are in the movie even though we really don’t need any more.

So, Sony’s legal actions here seem to indicate that this set photo might be genuine.

Now, what would the best thing have been?

Should Sony have just acted as though the set photo didn’t exist?

You know what, maybe.

Them taking legal action – as they did with the leaked trailer – indicates that the set photo is real and thus spoils the surprise for everyone.

That said, it was already spoiled ages ago.

What do you make of this news?

Are you looking forward to seeing Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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