Remove Amber Heard From Aquaman 2 Petition Hits 4.6M Signatures


The ‘Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2‘ petition has now reached over 4.6 million signatures on, which is a lot. This petition has been in the news a lot over the years, and it just keeps on growing and growing. It honestly seems as though people will never stop signing it, even after the movie has been released.

The petition is a pretty old one, and it was started around the time that Johnny Depp sued The Sun newspaper in the UK for defamation after they referred to him as a “wife beater” in an article. The article was written by Dan Wootton (who now works for GB News in the UK – the British version of Fox News). Depp, somehow, lost that trial. However, he ended up winning his trial against Amber Heard for an op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post.

Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2 petition reaches 4.6 million signatures

Remove Amber Heard petition change org

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

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During the Depp vs Heard trial, this petition suddenly got a lot more attention and a lot more signatures. It really does seem as though the vast majority of people want to see Heard be removed or replaced in Aquaman 2. Interestingly enough, during his deposition in the trial, DC Films President, Walter Hamada revealed that they were looking at replacing her in the sequel. However, he did add that they never actively auditioned for the role.

That said, we were informed that Warner Bros. Pictures was looking at Emilia Clarke for the role of Mera. They actually thought long and hard about it, but eventually, they kept Heard in the movie. However, Hamada did admit that they felt that Heard lacked chemistry with the movie’s lead, Jason Momoa, whilst filming the first movie. He went on to add that they had to fix a lot of the on-set issues in post. This means that they had to fix it all in editing, which is a pretty poor endorsement of Heard’s acting ability.

Do you think she should be removed from the movie?

Is Warner Bros. Replacing Amber Heard With Emilia Clarke In Aquaman 2?

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So, what does all of this mean for Aquaman 2? Will Amber Heard be removed from the movie or not? Honestly, I have no idea. It does feel as though the film is just too far along for Warner Bros to replace her entirely. What they could do, and what I believe they will do, is limit her time on-screen in the movie. It’s been reported that her screen time in the movie has been significantly reduced.

This was even confirmed by the actress herself during her testimony at the trial. She claimed that she had to fight just to remain part of the movie. So, it does sound as though Warner Bros. Pictures was doing everything it could to get rid of Heard. However, in the end, rather than firing her and replacing her with another actor, they opted to keep her, but cut her out of most of the final film. It’s going to be interesting to see how much screen time Amber Heard actually has in Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom when the movie is released. It’s currently got a release date of December 25th, 2023, in the United States.

What do you make of this news? Do you think Amber Heard should be removed as Mera from Aquaman 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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