Jon Carter Reboot Series Is In The Works For Disney Plus


In an unexpected twist, Disney is reportedly planning to breathe new life into one of its biggest box office flops. According to Giant Freakin Robot, the House of Mouse is developing a reboot series of John Carter for Disney Plus. This move comes as a surprise, given the original film’s lacklustre performance and the recent trend of major studios, including Disney, cancelling and cutting content on their streaming platforms.

The original John Carter film, released in 2012, was a significant financial disappointment for Disney. Despite this, the studio appears to be taking a gamble on the century-old franchise, greenlighting a series that will undoubtedly require a substantial budget due to its special effects needs. This decision is intriguing, to say the least, and has left many industry observers scratching their heads.

The Legacy of John Carter


Credit: Disney

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John Carter, like Tarzan, is a creation of the late Edgar Rice Burroughs. The character first appeared in the serialized 1912 novel A Princess of Mars. The story follows John Carter, a Confederate veteran, who finds himself transported to Mars while prospecting. The Martian environment grants him superhuman abilities, setting the stage for a series of thrilling adventures.

When the 2012 film flopped, critics were quick to dissect its failure. Some argued that our extensive knowledge of Mars in the present day made it difficult to suspend disbelief for a story like John Carter. Others suggested that the narrative elements of A Princess of Mars had been heavily mined by George Lucas for Star Wars, rendering a John Carter film redundant.

A Curious Decision by Disney


Credit: Disney

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Despite these criticisms, Disney appears to be banking on the belief that enough has changed since 2012 to make a John Carter series a success. The decision to develop a John Carter series is even more curious considering Disney’s continued production of Star Wars series, including Disney Plus’s flagship show, The Mandalorian.

Perhaps the underwhelming performance of series and films from Disney’s larger franchises like Star Wars and Marvel is forcing the studio to explore other options. The John Carter reboot series could be seen as a bold move to diversify Disney’s portfolio and attract a different audience segment.

Final Thoughts on a John Carter reboot series


Credit: Disney

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While the decision to reboot John Carter as a series may seem surprising, it could potentially pay off for Disney. The streaming landscape has evolved significantly since 2012, and audiences are increasingly open to exploring new narratives and characters. If executed well, the John Carter series could tap into this trend and find success where the original film did not.

As we await further details about the John Carter series, one thing is clear: Disney is not afraid to take risks and shake things up. Whether this gamble will pay off remains to be seen, but it certainly adds an element of intrigue to the future of Disney Plus. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to follow this story.

What do you make of this news? Do you think that the idea of a John Carter series reboot for Disney Plus is a good idea? Could this end up becoming Disney’s Game of Thrones/Lord Of The Rings/Star Wars? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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There are 3 comments

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  1. Anonymous

    Cost overruns made John Carter a flop. The director forgot that perfection is the enemy of the good and took too many takes while seeking to make a perfect film. JC took in roughly $284 million in ticket sales. If production costs can be strictly controlled, JC should make money.

  2. Anonymous

    This is one flop I never saw as a flop nor could I even imagine it as one. I loved the story, the romantic aspect to it and the different races inhabiting Mars. If they somehow keep Taylor & Lynn in the lead roles, I for one will definitely be watching.


    Disney might take Kerry Conran’s approach to the series. He was tapped to direct JC back in 2004 and planned to use the same techniques as “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,” which was shot entirely on green screen. Although it lacked the realistic landscapes of Andrew Stanton’s movie, Sky Captain looked amazing and cost $230 million less to make.

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