John Barrowman Says Olly Alexander Should Replace Jodie Whittaker In Doctor Who

it’s a sin olly alexander doctor who bbc

John Barrowman has revealed that he believes It’s A Sin star Olly Alexander should be the new Doctor in Doctor Who. He revealed this while talking to The Express Online.

There have been a whole bunch of names put in the ring as far a who should get to play the Doctor after Jodie Whittaker. Names like Richard Ayoade, Daniel Kaluuya and Himesh Patel have been mentioned. Those would all be great choices, however, I’m thinking that John Barrowman’s choice trumps them all.

He revealed in a recent interview that Olly Alexander, who’s really turning heads with his performance in the Channel 4 programme, It’s a Sin, should get to play the next Doctor.

Should Olly Alexander be the next Doctor in Doctor Who?

It's A Sin Episode 2 still Olly Alexander Doctor Who

Credit: Channel 4

Read more: Doctor Who’s John Barrowman Reveals Whether Captain Jack Will Returning

Here’s what Barrowman had to say on Alexander getting to play the Time Lord next:

“It’s a Sin is, there you go, another pandemic that we went through and that’s why I say get the vaccine. We as gay men and women have been through a pandemic already. 37 million people worldwide have died from HIV and AIDs, and you know, get the vaccine. Anyway, however, Olly would be amazing, he’s quirky, he’s fun, he’s a lovely actor and I think he would make a wonderful Doctor.

It would be brilliant to see Alexander play the role. He would be the first openly gay man to play the role, and I think they should also make the character gay should he get the role. That would be very interesting indeed and pretty progressive if you ask me.

What do you make of this news? Would you like to see Olly Alexander play the next Doctor in Doctor Who? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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