France which saw The Suicide Squad from director James Gunn along with Disney’s Jungle Cruise open on the 28th July saw figures drastically hampered against expectation as the COVID Passport scheme continues to put French cinema-goers off visiting.
In the past week alone the French Box office reported a loss of €8 Million compared to the same time last week with drops of almost 60-70% expected in attendance figures.
For an industry that has already within France been affected by the pandemic, lockdowns and restrictions it really is preventing any sort of recovery.
The Suicide Squad opened with an estimated 45k in admissions and Jungle Cruise 43k for a total of $370k in revenue.
By comparison Kaamellot- Premier Violet from the French comedy franchise by Alexandre Astier had sold 320,000 tickets the day before the pass came into effect.
The total admissions the following day for every movie ended up at 280,000.
Admissions to French cinemas dropped 60% as soon when the pass became legal

Credit: Pexels
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On July 21st, admissions to cinemas in France dropped by almost 60% compared to the day before.
The numbers above are not promising for Warner Bros. Pictures or Disney or French cinema in general.
The vaccine/health pass which enables you to visit cinemas, museums and sporting events, was announced on July 12th, and came into action on July 21st.
In order to have a valid pass, you have to show proof of a negative test within 48 hours or full vaccination.
This will also soon roll out further than cinemas, with restaurants, bars, cafes and a wider variety of leisure activities from August 1st.
The pass has caused criticism and disdain from citizens on social media

Credit: Pexels
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Over 100,000 people were reported to have been part of a demonstration the past weekend in France condemning the pass.
In an effort to boost vaccine uptake and prevent the Delta spread the pass was introduced rapidly but reportedly without any prior consultation with the French theatrical industry or exhibitor leaders.
As many younger adults haven’t had the opportunity to be vaccinated yet, the pass pretty much shuts them out of Cinemas, unless they wish to go and get a test, which admittedly for a film may not be as motivational as it sounds.
In an interview with France Inter Adèle Taktak, the retailer manager at Les 7 Batignolles cinema in Paris, stated why this would have a negative effect:
Having to plan to have a PCR or an antigen test before going to the movies is far too restrictive for people to want to take the plunge.
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