
Frank Oz Can’t Understand The Backlash Against Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Frank Oz, Yoda himself, has been talking about Star Wars: The Last Jedi and more specifically the backlash against Rian Johnson’s movie, which he just didn’t understand. There were quite a few Star Wars fans that weren’t best pleased with Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi and they were pretty vocal about it. As far…

Here’s Why Paramount Pictures Sold The Cloverfield Project To Netflix

Paramount Pictures’ COO Andrew Gumpert explained why they decided to sell the third Cloverfield movie, The Cloverfield Paradox, to Netflix. The Cloverfield Paradox turned out to be an incredible marketing success. We don’t know how many people ended up streaming the movie on Netflix, but we do know that it was a lot and the film reached…

Mark Hamill Wants To See A Star Wars Horror Movie With Force Ghosts

Mark Hamill’s been talking about what type of genres the next Star Wars movies should explore, and one of them is horror, with Force ghosts that are actually scary! The Star Wars Cinematic Universe (SWCU for short – I’ve just coined that) is starting to expand beyond anything we could have possibly imagined a few…

Chris Evans Has Not Plans To Continue Playing Captain America After Avengers 4

Chris Evans has confirmed in an interview that he won’t be playing Captain America and will be leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Avengers 4. Chris Evans has done something remarkable as Captain America – a.k.a Steve Rogers. If you take a step back and look to look at the comic book character objectively, he’s quite dull,…

Deadpool 2’s New Trailer Introduces Us To The X-Force Team

There’s a new trailer for Deadpool 2 and it’s full of blood, guts, gore and swear words… a lot of swear words. Oh yeah… and it introduces us to the X-Force team. “We’re gonna form a super duper fucking group! We need them tough, morally flexible, and young enough to carry their own franchise for 10 to…

Tessa Thompson Is Joining Chris Hemsworth In The Men In Black Spin-off

Tessa Thompson is going to be reuniting with her Thor: Ragnarok co-star, Chris Hemsworth, in the upcoming Men In Black spin-off. Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth shared fantastic chemistry in Thor: Ragnarok and it looks like we’re going to get them together again in another franchise, specifically Sony Pictures’ upcoming Men In Black spin-off movie. We already…

Ava DuVernay Is Going To Direct DC Comics’ New Gods Movie

Ava DuVernay is joining the DCEU! The A Winkle In Time director will direct a New Gods movie for Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Ava DuVernay is one of the most exciting and promising directors working in Hollywood today. Her first film, Selma, was critically acclaimed, as was her second film, the Oscar-winning documentary, 13th….